When I first discovered Perfect Keto Collagen, I knew I had to try it out because it was unlike anything I’ve seen on the market. At first I was hesitant to give it a try because like any other “new” supplement, you never know if it’s simply a fad or here to stay.
But when I started incorporating this into my daily supplement regimen, I immediately fell in love.
I don’t think there’s anything else out there that complements the keto diet so well as Perfect Keto Collagen does.
I’ve always known how beneficial MCT’s were and I’ve read about how well-tolerated collagen is to your body. So when I saw there was a supplement that contained both of the ingredients, I had to pull out my wallet.
If you have never heard of keto collagen before, you’re in for a treat. Once you learn more about it, you’re going to wonder how you’ve been on the ketogenic diet for so long without using it.

What Is Perfect Keto Collagen?
Keto Collagen is a perfect blend of both MCT’s and collagen.
Both of these ingredients are some of the healthiest fats and proteins you can consume, which is perfect if you’re eat a low carb, high fa Keto diet.
If you’ve ever struggled finding foods that keto friendly while you’re pressed for time, this is the perfect supplement.
So what exactly is collagen?
Collagen is a type of protein that has become widely popular because of how effective your body can absorb it. It makes up 25% of our bodies protein content and helps with soft tissue repair.
Many other protein supplements that are animal-based such as casein or whey are highly inflammatory. Collagen on the other hand is well-tolerated by the body and is made the same way bone broth is made, with low and slow heating protocol to preserve nutrients.
Collagen helps with:
Building healthy DNA
Rebuilding of tendons, joints, cartilage, skin, nails, and hair
Energy production
MCT's (medium chain triglycerides) complements collagen very well. They’re a source of fat that converts directly into energy and helps you turn fats into fuel through ketosis.
When you combine these two ingredients together, you have a perfect synergistic blend of ingredients specifically designed for the ketogenic lifestyle.
Here are the ingredients included in Perfect Keto Collagen
5g of MCT oil powder (to slow the absorption of protein)
10g of collagen
Cocoa Powder (for natural sweet flavor)
Stevia Leaf Powder (for natural sweet flavor)
The macronutrients per serving are:
Calories: 80
Fat: 4g
Protein: 10g
How and When I Use My Perfect Keto Collagen:
One of the the main selling points for me in grabbing myself Perfect Keto Collagen is how perfect it fits into any part of my day.
I have mixed Keto Collagen with my coffee, and sometimes just water. It honestly makes whatever I’m drinking taste that much better. Bonus points for not having to use a blender to mix it!
My personal favorite is mixing keto collagen with my bullet coffee its absolutely delicious!
Many people like to start with half a scoop and go from there. Be careful not to consume too much when you are first starting, you want to work up to moderate amounts.
Here’s when I use Keto Collagen the most:
For breakfast. When I’m pressed for time in the morning, I add it to my morning coffee and not only does it give my coffee an extra flavorful boost, but it also gives me the essential fats and protein my body needs. Remember your brain uses up to 20% of your total daily energy output so adding Keto Collagen into your morning routine will give you great energy.
Before my workout. The MCT’s in Keto Collagen makes it a great pre-workout because it is converted directly into energy. MCT's give you an immediate boost of energy making it perfect for a quick pick-me-up.
Afternoon snack, Instead of heading for a bag of chips and ruining my keto diet, I can get my energy from healthy fats and protein that allows me to stay in ketosis.
Top Reasons to Start Supplementing with Perfect Keto Collagen:
Here’s why I love it so much:
Tastes amazing. Keto collagen has a sweet, chocolatey taste to it that complements any drink you want to mix it with.
No artificial ingredients. I only purchase products that are completely natural and my body thanks me for it. It’s completely clean, there’s no soy, dairy, gluten, or artificial sweeteners in it.
Perfect for the ketogenic diet. Unlike other supplements that may have hidden carbs or protein powders that may kick you out of ketosis, Keto Collagen has the perfect macronutrient ratio that supercharges your ketones.
Keto Collagen is specifically for people who:
Have soft tissue injuries
Are looking to build muscle
Want to eat more protein
Want a more tolerable protein source
Are eating a low carb, high fat ketogenic diet
Let me not forget to share this! Travel Packets!!! YES!!!!

How to Get Perfect Keto Collagen
If you have never tried a collagen product before, Perfect Keto Collagen is hands-down the best collagen supplement out there especially if you’re on the ketogenic diet.
There aren’t many other supplements that I can fully trust but I knowing the owner of Perfect Keto, Dr. Anthony Gustin not only talks the talk, but he also walks the walk. He’s a functional doctor who lives the ketogenic life and has set out to create the cleanest, most effective supplements on the market.
I spoke with him and we agreed to give you a discount on your Perfect Keto Collagen purchase by using the coupon code below.
If you’re interested, just make sure you purchase sooner rather than later because there are only limited uses on the discount code.
Save 15% on the Perfect Keto Collagen Protein https://bit.ly/2vDhZ67 by using coupon code: APERFECT15