1.5 lb Bacalhau "Cod" - we used salted Cod which means we left it in water over night to remove most of the salt.
1/2 Cup White Onion, diced thin
1/4 Cup Parsley, chopped
1/4 Cup Cilantro, chopped
3/4 Cup Milk
5 Eggs, whisked
3 Cups Flour (substitute almond flour for keto or lowcarb)
2 Tbsp Garlic Powder
1 Tbsp Crushed Black Pepper
Salt to taste - the Bacalhau is already has some of that salt still but if you would like to add more you can.
Olive Oil or Coconut Oil to fry
Heat a large frying pan with oil - make sure it covers half of the pan.
In a medium size pot add your cod fish and cover with cold water. Boil for 40 minutes or until the cod is tender. Drain and let sit for about 5 minutes or so. You still want it hot so its easier to break up.
You will take the cod fish and pull it apart into small pieces and add to a large bowl.
Add everything to the bowl and mix well.
When the oil is hot you can start frying! Make sure your oil is set at medium to high heat. You don't want them to burn.
Add about a spoonful and a half of the mixture like a pancake into the pan.
Fry for about 2/3 minutes on each side or until they are golden brown!